Monday, October 12, 2009

How to Treat Your Acne Naturally

Is there anything more embarrassing than acne? I went all through my teenage years without ever having maybe more than a zit or two... then when I was about 18 I started getting horrible acne. I had to go on 2 prescription medications for it, but those had side effects. The pills caused headaches and the cream caused my face to get dry and peel. It was so frustrating, but then I came across this awesome way to cure your acne naturally and avoid all the nasty side effects, not to mention all the money you have to spend on prescriptions!

Get a lemon, cut it in half, and squeeze it into a small container. You can squeeze it by hand or use a juicer. You can also use lemon juice - just make sure that it is 100% lemon juice.

Add 1 tsp of honey to your lemon juice and mix it up well. There may be pulp in your mixture, but that won't cause any problems.

Wet your face. Sprinkle baking soda on your hands then apply to your face. Rub it onto your face like you would with an exfoliant being careful not to rub to vigorously. Rinse thoroughly.

Apply your lemon and honey mixture onto your face. Rinse your hands well. Leave the mixture on your face for about 3-5 minutes. It will feel a little sticky and may sting just a tiny bit, but this is normal so don't worry!

Rinse your face thoroughly! If there is any residue left over it will cause your face to still feel sticky.


- You can store your lemon and honey mixture in the fridge for future use.

- Make sure to keep the honey and lemon mixture out of your hair. I prefer to wash my face and apply the mixture when I get out of the shower so I can just wrap my hair in a towel to keep it out of my face

Good Luck!

**All Images Curtousy of**

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