Friday, June 12, 2009

No Cook Bon-bons

A couple of days ago, my 5 year old son came to me with a book and said "Mom, we HAVE to make some Bon-bons." lol...he has a sweet tooth just like me.
The book that he brought to me was a book that I had as a little girl. It is a well-loved book called The Giants' Farm. Written by Jane Yolen. It's just a real fun book!! And now is one of my sons' favorites.
I thought I'd share the recipe. It's very simple and easy to make.

Stout's Giant No-cook Bon-bons

2 Tbls. Butter
1/8 tsp. Vanilla
10 Tbls. Confectioner's Sugar (Powdered Sugar)
3/4 cup Chopped Nuts (I like to use walnuts)

1. Take butter out of the refrigerator. Let it get soft.

2. Mash the butter with a spoon. Keep mashing it. It will look like whipped cream.

3. Mix the vanilla in one drop at a time.

4. Add the sugar to the butter and vanilla mixture. Add it slowly, one spoonful at a time. Mix and mix and mix some more.

5. Add the chopped nuts a few nuts at a time. Mix and mix some more.

6. Take a large pinch of the mixture with your fingers. Roll it in a ball. Take another, make another. And another. Make twelve balls in all. Put all the bon-bons on a plate that is lined with wax paper.

7. Put the plate with the bon-bons in the refrigerator. Let them get hard.

8. If you want to, you can pour melted sweetened chocolate over these candies. Then they will really be bon-bon. That is French for good-good.

9. Eat!!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tick-tock, Tick-tock...Time's ticking away...

One of my most favorite songs by the late master blues artist, Stevie Ray Vaughan is a song that he and his brother Jimmie did together called "Tick Tock".

Here are the lyrics:

One night while sleeping in my bed
I had a beautiful dream
That all the people of the world got together
On the same wavelength
And began helping one another
Now in this dream universal love was the theme of the day
Peace and understanding and it happened this way

The Sick, the hungry, had smiles on their faces
The tired and the homeless had family all around
The streets and the cities were all beautiful places
And the walls came tumblin' down

People of the world all had it together
Had it together for the boys and the girls
And the children of the world look forwad to a future

Tick tock, tick tock, tock tock people
Time's tickin' away
Remember that
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock peple
Time's tickin' away

I had a vision of blue skies from sea to shining sea
All the trees in the forest stood strong and tall again
Everything was clean and pretty and safe for you and me
The worst of enemies became the best of friends

People of the world all had it together
Had it together for the boys and the girls
And the children of the world look forwad to a future

Tick tock, tick tock, tock tock people
Time's tickin' away
Remember that
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock peple
Time's tickin' away

Remember that, remember that
Remember that, remember that

People of the world all had it together
Had it together for the boys and the girls
And the children of the world look forwad to a future

Tick tock, tick tock, tock tock people
Time's tickin' away
Remember that
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock peple
Time's tickin' away

As I was working in my garden yesterday, I was singing this song in my head. When I think of the words that are expressed in this song, it makes me wonder how far we have gotten away from this. How people battle against one another. Countries against countries, neighbors against neighbors, friends against friends, and even family against family.

I think a lot of times we lose sight as to what is truly important in our lives. We tend to get focused on our own agendas and what WE want, rather than trying to meet the needs of others. Lashing out at those around us if they aren't seeing "our way".

Recently I made a "foot in mouth" comment to a friend. All because I read what she wrote wrong. I lashed out, rather harshly and afterwards when I found out that I had misread her post entirely, I had to eat humble pie. Thankfully she had a kind enough heart to forgive me after I sought her forgiveness. How easily we jump to conclusions and in turn that leads to "fighting and contention".

I'm going to try my darndest to keep my foot out of my mouth today and in the future and sow peace, rather than scattering seeds of discord with those around me.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tip for the day - How to Rid Yourself of **Hiccups**

Nothing is more annoying than the hiccups. Have you ever been sitting in the middle of church, your kids' concert at school, etc. and the dreaded hiccups start in??
What do you do?
You hold your breath. Nope, doesn't work.
You ask someone to scare you. Nah, this doesn't work either.
What are some other things you try?
Nothing, I mean NOTHING works better than one teaspoon of good ol' mustard. Yep! You got it. Straight from the fridge!
I found this remedy years ago when my girls were little. Thankfully they like mustard, well for the most part! lol
But it works!!!! Try it. :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My Personal Bread Recipe

This is a recipe for a Basic Bread, created by ME! :)
You can modify it as needed.

3 cups All-Purpose Flour (For wheat add 1 cup wheat and 2 cups white)
1 1/2 Tbls. Sugar (or honey as a substitute)
1/2 Tbls. Salt
2 Tbls. Vegetable Oil (or Olive Oil as a substitute)
1 package Yeast (or 3 tsp.)
1 1/4 cups water (cool)

This recipe makes 1 loaf.
Let rise once in the mixing bowl. It usually takes about 1 hour. Punch down and then roll out and place into greased pan. Let rise again for approx. 30 min. to 1 hour.
Bake in oven at 425* for 25-30 minutes.


This blog is dedicated to those who wish to live a very simple life.
In this blog, we would like to share all the tips, hints and such that we have so that YOU can live the simple life too!We hope that you will enjoy this blog as much as we will enjoy sharing the knowledge we’ve learned over the years.
We are a mother/daughter team! Both stay-at-home wives.
Jamie, is a mom to 4 children, all of whom she home schools and wife to Gary since 1987. Jamie also runs her own successful online Baby Boutique business on eBay since 2002 and is a sculptor with her works reproduced by a company. Her work can be seen at
Krisdyn, is wife to Tim since 2008 and helps him with his construction business. Krisdyn also has her own business out of the home selling Premier Jewelry. She enjoys writing as a hobby and is very good at it. (this part being written by her mother. lol)
Jamie & Krisdyn
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